The Ingredients of Italian Sausage and Tortellini Soup
Now, when you want to make this recipe of Italian soup, you surely need to gather a plenty ingredients. These plenty ingredients will let you have more and more taste in the soup itself so you do not need to think that it is troublesome because it will be worth the taste.
- 4 cups of beef broth
- 2 cup of onion (chopped)
- 6 garlic cloves (minced)
- 2 lb Italian sausage (remove the casings)
- 2 large zucchini (sliced)
- 4 cups of tomatoes (chopped)
- 2 chopped green bell pepper
- 2 an of tomato sauce (8 ounce each)
- 2 sliced large carrot
- 20 ounces of tortellini cheese
- salt pepper
- a cup of dry red whine
- 2 teaspoons of dried basil and oregano
- fresh grated parmesan cheese
How to Make Italian Sausage and Tortellini Soup
Now, as you have seen the ingredients of these Italian soup recipes, I hope that you are ready for doing the job in processing those plenty ingredients. This soup will be great in taste and shape when you can follow the instruction for making this soup well. Here are the steps for making this food for you:
- You need to start with crumbling and sautéing your sausage in the large saucepan till the pink color of the sausage disappears.
- After that, you need to get the drain the sausage from the sautéing by put it in the paper towels.
- Then, you add the garlic and onion in the saucepan and then sauté the onion and garlic till it looks translucent.
- After the garlic and onion translucent, put back the sausage in the saucepan and add the tomatoes, zucchini, tomato sauce, basil, wine, bell pepper, carrot, oregano, and beef broth to the mixture and simmer all of the ingredients till it is soft. It will take for about 40 to 60 minutes.
- Add the tortellini too in the process and season the mixture with the pepper and salt for getting stronger taste at least a pinch.
- When all of the material seems to be tender, it is time to put it in the bowl and sprinkle all of the parmesan cheese that you have prepared.
Those are the steps for getting these excellent Italian soup recipes. Those materials will surely make you have the best taste although you have to work more in getting the food. There will be two hours consumed for making these Italian recipes of soup so you need to prepare a lot of stamina.
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